Mail List

Since 10 December 1992, there has been an e-mail discussion list for , created:

  1. as a means of communication between hooked ers;

  2. as a way to bring the ``rest of us'' closer to them;

  3. as a means to get quick and efficient answers to questions such as:

    o why do I always get a ``.2602gf'' file?
    o what is a ``strange path'', and what can I do to avoid it?
    o is there a way to go from to PostScript and vice-versa?
    o where can I find a Stempel Garamond font written in ?
    o what is metaness?

  4. and finally, as a first step to encourage people to undertake ing, and start a new post-Computer Modern era of !

To subscribe to this list, send the following two lines to ``'' on the Internet:

SUBSCRIBE METAFONT <Your name and affiliation>
The address of the list is ``'' (at the notorious Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris). Owner of the list is Jacques BEIGBEDER (``''), coordinator is Yannis HARALAMBOUS (``''). Language of the list is English; intelligent mottos are encouraged.